Sunday, April 3, 2011

Update - Sunday, April 3, 2011

Another supposed work night - and yet no work.  Evidently we could fish if we wanted - meaning there isnt a strike; but that could be the direct result of a serious lack of fish.  The entire California Coastline between La Jolla and Monterey has been explored over the past week.  While we cannot agree on a stategy to deal with the markets, we are all in agreement that there is a definite lack of squid at the present time.  This isnt that big of a shock based on to records provided on the California Department of Fish and Game's website (see:  In April of 2009, the following market areas accounted for the following pounds delivered:

Market AreaLandings – poundsLandings – tons
Los Angeles
5, 912
2 ½

For 2008, the following numbers were reported.

Market AreaLandings – poundsLandings – tons
Los Angeles

Note:  Figures for 2010 have not been made available on the DFG’s website. 

Many of the out-of-state fishermen who left their boats in California in anticipation of a big opener are beginning to consider moving their boats back to their home states in order to participate or prepare to participate in whatever fishery they normally would be doing – Salmon, Herring, Sardine, etc.  Those who are California based fishermen will have to wait it out or begin maintenance projects which were not dealt with between January and the April 1 opener. 

While I would much prefer there to be squid around in vast supply, I am not losing any sleep over the shortage.  The weather in the Spring is typically bad.  Afternoon and evening gales in the northern islands are commonplace.  There is something to be said for being able to sleep in a bed and not have to spend numerous nights on the water.  As previously alluded too, we don’t get much off time during the season.  Typically our week ends Friday after the seiner unloads or the light boat returns to harbor.  Usually you will have laundry to do and groceries to purchase for the following week.  Other errands and sleep will get in the way of having any semblance of a meaningful social life.  I know many squid fishermen who are more tired when they leave on Sunday, than they were when they returned on Friday.

My laptop should be returned to me – hopefully – by the end of the week.  I will be able to provide more frequent postings after that. 

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